NJ Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG) – Tuition and eligible Fees coverage
Information can be found here too.
Eligibility Summary:
- CCOG grant is limited to eligible students enrolled in at least six (6) credits per term.
- Household adjusted gross income (AGI) as per filed IRS tax return, is between $0 and $65,000 or
- Household with an AGI between $65,001-$80,000 may be eligible for tuition and eligible fees coverage up to 50% of the maximum CCOG award only.
- Household with an AGI between $80,001-$100,000 may be eligible for tuition and eligible fees coverage up to one third (1/3) of the maximum CCOG award only. Note: Maximum cost may vary based on number of registered credits each term.
- Does not have a prior college degree.
- Out of County students must obtain and submit a Charge-Back form to the Bursar Office.
- Out of County students eligibility is based on their resident county college CCOG maximum, not to exceed CCM’s amount per HESAA.
- Processed FAFSA or the NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application for NJ Dreamer valid results received by the Financial Aid Office.
- Funding no greater than CCM tuition and prescribed fees (degree/certificate program) up to 18 credits per term cost.
- CCOG award amount may vary continually from the initial awarded amount during the registration period, due to changes in the number of credits registered until the start of the term or changes in late-start term credits.
- CCOG grant is awarded after all other grant aid, including tuition waivers and community based grant aid (loans excluded) are applied and is based on current credits at the time of disbursement.
For more information select Q & A or Policy/Procedure.
NJ State Financial Aid Deadlines for Initial and Renewal FAFSA and Alternative Application
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)
This fund provides an opportunity for educationally and economically disadvantaged New Jersey residents to attend college, and also offers a variety of support services such as tutoring, counseling and developmental courses. Although not a prerequisite, the FAFSA application (US Citizen and eligible non citizen) and NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application (DACA and undocumented students only) must be completed within the same time-frame as an EOF application. The EOF Office is located in Cohen Hall, Room: CH 211, Phone: 973-328-5270, Email Address: eof@ccm.edu; EOF Información en Español
Additional information about the fund can be found here.
NJ State Aid For New Jersey – DREAMer’s
(Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors)
NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application
For the complete NJ State Aid for DREAMers requirements and more, select Q & A at a glance (.pdf)
New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS)
The New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS), established in 2004, provides New Jersey’s highest achieving students with free tuition; less any state and/or federal grants and scholarships, for up to five semesters at their home county college.
NJ STARS scholarship recipients who PLAN TO TRANSFER to a four-year New Jersey public college or university may also qualify for a tuition-free education through NJ STARS II.
Application Process

File an Affidavit to Legalize Immigration Status with the Registrar Office stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his/her immigration status with the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or will file such an application.

Submit to the Admissions Office your official New Jersey high school transcript(s) for at least three (3) years or attained the equivalent to a high school diploma, issued by the State of New Jersey which includes all courses and grades to date or If you have already graduated from high school, you must submit your final official high school transcript.
To Be Considered for State Aid
- Create a NJFAMS account (Social security number or school state ID number (SSID) required).
- Complete, sign and upload the NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application only. Login in to NJFAMS NJ State Higher Education Assistance Authority (HESAA) student system.
- Enrolled for 6 credits per term – Exception EOF students final term, may be eligible if registered for less.
- Must not have a prior associates or higher college degree
- Making satisfactory academic progress (continuing students)
- Review and complete your ‘To Do List’, uploading them to NJFAMS student system.
- How to Upload Documents from your “To Do List” – To submit documents, visit www.njgrants.org select the ‘Grants’ tab then select ‘Upload Documents.’ Or Select Here.
Once your NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application for NJ State Aid has been processed by the State and received by the Financial Aid Office, our office may contact you requesting additional documents. Once received we will begin the award determination and notification process. Please monitor CCM Titans Direct and your CCM student email as these are the Financial Aid Office’s electronic method of communication.
Summer NJ State Tuition Aid Grant Available
Eligibility – To be eligible for Summer TAG this year a student must:
- have received a TAG award in the Fall and Spring terms
- be enrolled in six or more credit hours during summer semester;
- be enrolled in courses that are in the same undergraduate program at the same institution in which the student was enrolled during the fall or spring semester
- be enrolled in courses that may be credited towards the student’s graduation or academic major requirements. And not repeated courses for EOF students.
Attention: Summer TAG amount is prorated based on the full-time TAG award the student received in the preceding semester(s).
Examples of Other NJ State Scholarship & Grants Listing:
- New Jersey (Embrella) Foster Care Scholarships & Grants
- NJ State DCF – Foster Care Scholars
- Governor’s Urban Scholarship (pdf)
- Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Scholarship (pdf)
- NJBEST (pdf)
- NJ Foster Care Scholars (pdf)
- NJGIVS (pdf)
- Scholarships search for NJ
- College Scholarships – Search
- View complete NJ scholarship listing visit NJ Grants Applications
Versión Español
- Complete la solicitud de Admisiones.
- Llene una declaración juramentada en la oficina de “Student Support Services” que indique que el estudiante ha enviado la aplicación para legalizar su estado migratorio o que enviará tal aplicación. Presentar transcripciones oficiales o expediente académico oficial de su escuela secundaria (no menos de 3 años) a la Oficina de Admisiones.
Para ser considerado para ayuda estatal:
- Cree una cuenta en NJFAMS (se requiere el número de seguro social o el número de identificación del estado de la escuela (SSID)).
- Complete solo la Solicitud de ayuda financiera alternativa de NJ.
Unemployment Educational Benefits & Waiver
Individuals currently receiving state unemployment benefits may qualify for New Jersey’s Workforce Development Partnership Program which assist financially to obtain training for approved training programs. Your Workforce Development Partnership counselor must approve benefits before you enroll in a training program. It is strongly that interested individuals also apply for Federal and NJ State financial aid assistance by completing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), indicating the college of your choice prior to submittal.
How do I use my unemployment workforce allocation to pay for college?
- Complete Unemployment Tuition Waiver Request (Contact the Bursar Office for details) Visit the Office of Financial Aid to obtain signed approval of your CCM waiver.
- Visit the Bursar Office, located in the Student Community Center with your signed waiver.
REMINDER: Annual FAFSA or New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application Filing availability October 1.