What You Will Learn
Students will learn the competencies to counsel individuals and groups who are affected by addiction, and provide support throughout the recovery process. Through a series of courses over 5 domains, students are prepared to sit for their certification exam. Completing this program successfully can lead to a certification with the Addiction Professionals Certification Board.
Courses cover topics including, but not limited to: assessment, addiction recovery, counseling skills, crisis intervention, group and family counseling, consultation, disability, employment, child and family services, ethics and culture. A supervised externship of 3,000 hours is part of the Addiction Professionals Certification Board’s certification requirement.
Prerequisite: High School diploma or GED
County College of Morris is an approved education provider of classroom training required by the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey, Inc. (www.certbd.com). All information related to licensing (certification) requirements as well as regulatory information and class descriptions can be found at other websites (see below). There are multiple requirements to qualify for certification. The education provided by CCM is just one requirement.
There are five domains. Each domain has between six and nine courses, for a total of 54 hours of classroom instruction per domain. You can begin at any domain. CCM provides at least one domain in the fall and at least two domains for the spring sessions. Students may enroll in more than one domain each session. You receive a certificate of completion for each course.
Careers in the Field
Substance abuse counselors aid in the diagnosis, treatment and recovery process for people who struggle with addiction. Counselors can work in the public domain, in private practice, at hospitals, and more.
Why Study to become a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor at CCM?
County College of Morris is an approved education provider of classroom training required by the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey, Inc. There are multiple requirements to qualify for certification. The education provided by CCM is just one requirement.
Paying for Your CADC Education
The CADC program at CCM has been approved by the NJ Department of Labor for NJ residents who are unemployed or underemployed and wish to receive a training voucher to pay for this program. If you are un/underemployed, click here for information on how to qualify.
All CADC courses are taught in the evenings, remote-live over Zoom. Instructors will send out the Zoom link a day or two before the class begins.
We are offering Domains 2 and 4 in Fall 2024.
Domain 2 – Fall 2024, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-9 p.m.
C201 – Introduction to Counseling (ADC-531E)
Identify key concepts associated with the following counseling approaches: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Motivational Enhancement, Therapy, Family Therapy, Client Centered Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Psychodynamic Therapy. Describe the philosophies, practices, policies, and outcomes of the most generally accepted and scientifically supported models of treatment, recovery, relapse prevention, and continuing care for addiction and other substance-related problems and establish a helping relationship with the client.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Sep 17, 2024 – Sep 19, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88271
C202 – Introduction to Techniques and Approaches (ADC-250E)
Identify, demonstrate, and explain the purpose of the following counseling skills: Attending, Paraphrasing, Reflection of Feeling, Summarizing, Probing, Counselor, Self-Disclosure, Interpreting and providing information and feedback; integrate self-help group participation; identify six stages of counseling and employ the skills and tailor helping strategies and treatment modalities to the client’s stage of Use Disorder, change, or recovery.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Sep 24, 2024 – Sep 26, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88272
C203 – Crisis Intervention (ADC-533E)
Define crisis intervention within the framework of alcohol/drug counseling; identify causes of crises; understand and apply setting-specific policies and procedures for handling crisis and apply crisis prevention and management skills. ADC-533E.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Oct 1, 2024 – Oct 3, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88273
C204 – Addiction Focused Counseling (ADC-251E)
Learn to facilitate the client’s engagement in the treatment and recovery process; work with the client to establish realistic, achievable goals; promote client knowledge, skills, and attitudes; facilitate the development of basic and life skills and adapt counseling strategies to the individual characteristics of the client, including but not limited to disability, gender, sexual orientation, developmental level, culture, ethnicity, age, and health status.
6 sessions: 18 hours, CEU 1.8
Cost: $297
Oct 8, 2024 – Oct 24, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88274
C205 – Group Counseling (ADC-535E)
Describe, select, and appropriately use strategies from accepted and culturally appropriate models for group counseling with clients with substance use disorders and carry out the actions necessary to form a group, including but not limited to determining group type, purpose, size, and leadership; recruiting and selecting members; establishing group goals and clarifying behavioral ground rules for participating; identifying outcomes; and determining criteria and methods for termination or graduation from the group.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Oct 29, 2024 – Oct 31, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88275
C206 – Family Counseling (ADC-252E)
Learn how SUD affects the family; identify the rules in SUD affected families; identify family roles & their features; distinguish between inter-Use Disorder, co-Use Disorder, and Use Disorder; distinguish between performing A & D counseling with families and performing family therapy; define intervention and explain the intervention process; become familiar with family related support groups and community- based service providers for families; describe appropriate screening tools to be used with women of child bearing age regarding alcohol use during pregnancy; evaluate appropriate referral and treatment options for women who are pregnant and drinking; describe the salient characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) across the lifespan; Comprehend the lifelong primary and secondary characteristics associated with FASD, recognize the need for multidisciplinary assessment to determine appropriate services and evaluate appropriate treatment options for individuals with FASD.
4 sessions: 12 hours, CEU 1.2
Cost: $198
Nov 5, 2024 – Nov 14, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88276
Domain 4 – Fall 2024, Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m.
C401 – Addiction Recovery (ADC-548E)
Understand the difference between Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder; acquire basic knowledge of the various models of addiction; explain to a client the various stages of addiction and recovery, and be able to explain the following terms: Addiction, Recovery, Harm reduction, Self Help groups, Relapse and Relapse Prevention, Abstinence, Sobriety, and Wellness (Biopsychosocial).
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Sep 16, 2024 – Sep 18, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88291
C402 – Psychological Client Education (ADC-549E)
Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive substances; facilitate the development of basic and life skills associated with recovery and make constructive therapeutic responses when the client’s behavior is inconsistent with stated recovery goals. ADC 549.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Sep 23, 2024 – Sep 25, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88292
C403 – Biochemical/Medical Client Education (ADC-256E)
Understand a variety of models and theories of addiction and other problems related to substance use; describe the behavioral, psychological, physical, and social effects of psychoactive substances; describe a variety of helping strategies for reducing the negative effects of substance use, abuse, and Use Disorder; tailor helping strategies and treatment modalities to the client’s stage of Use Disorder, change, or recovery; adapt practice to the range of treatment settings and modalities and be familiar with medical and pharmacological resources in the treatment of substance use disorders.
6 sessions: 18 hours, CEU 1.8
Cost: $297
Sep 30, 2024 – Oct 16, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88293
C404 – Sociocultural Client Education (ADC-551E)
Recognize the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which addiction and substance abuse exist, including risk and resiliency factors that characterize individuals and groups and their living environments and provide treatment services appropriate to the personal and cultural identity and language of the client.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Oct 21, 2024 – Oct 23, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88294
C405 – Addiction Recovery and Family Psychological Education (ADC-552E)
Understand the characteristics and dynamics of families, couples, and significant others affected by substance use. Appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and significant others, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures; facilitate their engagement in the treatment and recovery process; assist them in understanding the interaction between the family system and substance use behaviors, and assist them in adopting strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Oct 28, 2024 – Oct 30, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88295
C406 – Biochemical and Sociological Family Education (ADC-553E)
Become familiar with warning signs, symptoms, and the course of substance use disorders; describe how substance use disorders affect families and concerned others; describe the continuum of care and resources available to the family and concerned others; describe principles and philosophy of prevention, treatment, and recovery, and understand and describe the health and behavior problems related to substance use, including transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Nov 4, 2024 – Nov 6, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88296
C407 – Community and Professional Education (ADC-554E)
Recognize the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process; understand the obligation of the addiction professional to participate in prevention and treatment activities; provide culturally relevant formal and informal education programs; describe factors that increase the likelihood for an individual, community, or group to be at risk for, or resilient to, psychoactive substance use disorders; sensitize others to issues of cultural identity, ethnic background, age, and gender in prevention, treatment, and recovery; describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of substance use disorders; describe how substance use disorders affect families and concerned others; describe the continuum of care and resources available to the family and concerned others; describe principles and philosophy of prevention, treatment, and recovery; understand and describe the health and behavior problems related to substance use, including transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases and teach life skills.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Nov 11, 2024 – Nov 13, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Course ID: 88297
Coming at a later date:
- Domain 1
- Domain 3
- Domain 5
Domain 1
C101 – Initial Interviewing Process (ADC-557E)
Learn to create a therapeutic alliance with the client by incorporating skills in listening, processing, and providing feedback and demonstrate through role- playing the following eight skills: attending, paraphrasing, reflection of feeling, summarizing, probing, interpreting, providing information and feedback, and appropriate use of self-disclosure.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C102 – Biopsychosocial Assessment (ADC-917E)
Gather data systematically from the client and other available collateral sources using screening instruments and other methods that are sensitive to age, developmental level, culture, and gender; describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive substances on the person using, and on significant others; determine the client’s readiness for treatment and change as well as the needs of others involved in the current situation and based on the initial action plan, take specific steps to initiate an admission or referral and ensure follow through.
4 sessions: 12 hours, CEU 1.2
Cost: $198
C103 – Diagnostic Summaries (ADC-918E)
Develop a written diagnostic summary; document ongoing treatment needs; formulate mutually agreed upon goals, objectives, and treatment methods based upon assessment finding; define the terms reliability, validity, and sample population; develop a familiarity with the recognized assessment instruments; select, administer, score, and interpret to clients the results of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug assessment; assess client’s immediate needs by evaluating observed behavior and other relevant information; administer appropriate evidence-based screening and assessment instruments and analyze and interpret the data to determine treatment recommendations.
4 sessions: 12 hours, CEU 1.2
Cost: $198
C104 – Differential Diagnosis (ADC-919E)
Describe the logic, purpose and function of the DSM diagnostic system; describe the organizational scheme of the DSM and diagnostic categories; list diagnostic criteria for substance abuse and substance Use Disorder; list frequently encountered differential diagnoses; understand that only licensed (not certified) counselors can diagnose; describe clinical presentations of co-occurring diagnoses; describe the ways in which substance use disorder and mental health diagnoses can interact; use SAMHSA’s Four Quadrant Framework to conceptualize clients; recognize the potential for substance use disorders to mimic a variety of medical and mental health conditions and screen for psychoactive substance toxicity, intoxication, and withdrawal symptoms.
4 sessions: 12 hours, CEU 1.2
Cost: $198
C105 – Pharmacology (ADC-543E)
Define the meaning of psychopharmacology; identify the major structural and functional units of the brain; identify the major neurotransmitters within the nervous system; explain the mechanism of action of neurotransmitters within the CNS; define the meaning of half-life, therapeutic dose, effective and lethal dose; distinguish between tolerance and withdrawal; distinguish between fat and water solubility; and describe effects of various drugs of abuse on the major physiological body systems.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C107 – Compulsive Gambling (ADC-545E)
Understand the nature of Gambling Disorder; identify and assess disordered gamblers; recognize types of gamblers and stages of a gambling problem; identify vulnerable population and at-risk personality characteristics and design gambling treatment plans and course of recovery, including aftercare.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Domain 3
C301 – Community Resources (ADC-253E)
Formulate and discuss diagnostic assessment and recommendations with a client; match client needs with community resources; communicate with community resources regarding needs of the client; develop a plan with the client to strengthen ongoing recovery outside of primary treatment; utilize multiple pathways of recovery in treatment planning and referral; identify community resources; match community resources with client needs; explain to the client the necessity for referral and identify self-help groups pertinent to the client’s needs.
6 sessions: 18 hours, CEU 1.8
Cost: $297
C302 – Consultation (Case Management) (ADC-254E)
Define consultation goals and benefits and consult with supervisors, counselors, professionals, and/or other public health service providers to assure comprehensive, quality care for the client.
Mon and Wed, April 29-May 15, 6-9 p.m.
6 sessions: 18 hours, CEU 1.8
Cost: $297
C303 – Documentation (ADC-255E)
Define documentation; know and adhere to Federal & State Laws and Regulations specific to the maintenance of client records and differentiate among the following types of documentation: Intake, Assessment, Treatment Plan, Treatment Plan Review, Progress Note, Discharge Plan, Discharge Summary.
Mon and Wed, May 20-June 3 (No class May 27)
4 sessions: 12 hours, CEU 1.2
Cost: $198
C304 – HIV & Resources (ADC-570E)
Learn to promote client knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the maintenance of health and prevention of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C, and other infectious diseases.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Domain 5
C501 – Ethical Standards (ADC-558E)
Identify guidelines for the process of ethical decision-making; acquire an understanding of the importance of ethics in SUD counseling; become familiar with the NAADAC Code of Ethics; adhere to established professional codes of ethics that define the professional context within which the counselor works to maintain professional standards and safeguard the client and understand the addiction professional’s obligations to adhere to ethical and behavioral standards of conduct in the helping relationship.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C502 – Legal Aspects (ADC-559E)
Learn how to adhere to federal, state, and agency regulations regarding alcohol and other drug abuse treatment by following appropriate procedures to protect client rights; understand the regulations of New Jersey’s rules (N.J.S.A. 45:2D -1 et seq.), also referred to as the “Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensing and Certification. Act” and the regulations (N.J.A.C. 13:34C-1 et seq.) intended to codify the provisions of the statute; be familiar with the Federal Confidentiality Regulations, 42CFR – part 2 and be familiar with HIPPA regulations as pertaining to SUD records.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C503 – Cultural Competency (ADC-560E)
Recognize the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which addiction and substance abuse exist; understand diverse cultures, and incorporate the relevant needs of culturally diverse groups, as well as people with disabilities, into clinical practice; recognize the importance of individual differences that influence client behavior, and apply this understanding to clinical practice.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C504 – Professional Growth (ADC-561E)
Understand the importance of self-awareness in one’s personal, professional, and cultural life; understand the obligation of the addiction professional to participate in prevention and treatment activities; interpret and apply information from current counseling and psychoactive substance use research literature to improve client care and enhance professional growth; conduct self-evaluations of professional performance applying ethical, legal, and professional standards to enhance self-awareness and performance and obtain appropriate continuing professional education.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C505 – Personal Growth (ADC-562E)
Understand the importance of self-awareness in one’s personal, professional, and cultural life and conduct self-evaluations of professional performance applying ethical, legal, and professional standards to enhance self-awareness and performance.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C506 – Dimensions of Recovery (ADC-563E)
Develop an operational understanding of Wellness and Recovery; increase their understanding of the importance of Wellness and Recovery by developing an individualized Wellness Recovery Action Plan; develop an on-going self-monitoring plan to enhance their personal plan; conduct self-evaluations of professional performance applying ethical, legal, and professional standards to enhance self-awareness and performance; obtain appropriate continuing professional education; participate in ongoing supervision and consultation and develop and use strategies to maintain one’s physical and mental health.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C507 – Supervision (ADC-564E)
Describe supervision as described in NJ LCADC/CADC regulations; understand the benefits of supervision; distinguish among supervision, consultation, and personal therapy; understand the role of clinical supervision in helping the counselor identify critical issues and appropriate responses in the counseling relationship; know the necessary components to be incorporated when presenting a case in supervision; develop and utilize a range of options to explore and discuss personal feelings and concerns about clients; know when to contact their supervisor regarding potential legal and ethical situations and be familiar with State regulations regarding requirements for giving & receiving clinical supervision as an intern, as a CADC, or if one is working in a licensed facility.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C508 – Community Involvement (ADC-566E)
Understand the importance of professional networking; begin to develop skills in how to establish and maintain a professional network; learn the importance of advocating for one’s clients; learn best practices to contribute to de-stigmatizing SUD related issues and understand important cultural issues in the community and be able to incorporate relevant community information into their work.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
C509 – Consultation (Professional) (ADC-565E)
Define Consultation; explain the benefits of consultation for the counselor knowledge base; identify the tasks involved when seeking consultation and utilize peers, clinical supervisors, and a multi-disciplinary team to enhance the quality of care.
2 sessions: 6 hours, CEU 0.6
Cost: $99
Q: Do I have to take the Domains in order?
A: Domains can be taken in any order.
Q: Do these classes result in a certification?
A: Classroom instruction is only one part of certification. Candidates also need to attend self-help groups (AA, NA, Al-Anon), have supervised internship which can be a paid job, and pass certification board case presentation.
Q: How many Domains can I take at once?
A: Most students take one or two domains at a time. At that rate, students will complete the program in approximately 1.5 years. Workforce Development typically schedules classes in 2-3 domains per semester.
Contact Us
Center for Workforce Development, County College of Morris
Student Community Center, Room 125
214 Center Grove Road, Randolph NJ 07869
E: wfd@ccm.edu
P: 973-328-5187