Federal College Work-Study (FWS)
Download our FWS Brochure (pdf) here
County College of Morris provides opportunities for employment to its students as one form of financial assistance to help them meet their educational expenses through the Federal College Work-Study (FWS) program. Every year, nearly 150 students work on and off campus in a variety of positions in more than forty different departments and areas. Positions are generally skill-related and successful placements call for a “fit” between job requirements and student abilities. “Ability” may refer to specialized knowledge, assignment familiarity, effective communication, interpersonal skills, and/or willingness to comply with specific department or supervisory requirements. Student aide positions may be clerical, lab-related, technical, academic (tutoring), among others.
What It Is
Employment on campus while attending as a CCM student. In some cases, employment can be at off-campus non-profit organizations.
Eligible students are those who are enrolled at CCM at least half time. Note: Summer student employees need not be attending in the summer but must be registered for at least six credits for the following fall. Students on F-1 visas must be enrolled full time for “campus” student employment only (not FWS).
To Apply
It is recommended that you complete your Federal Financial Aid application (FAFSA) early (see below) so you can apply for a job on campus prior to the beginning of the semester in which you want to work.
Job Placement
Visit the Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education, Student Community Center, room 125, for an application.
Not Awarded Work-Study and are interested?
Please contact the Office of Financial Aid for eligibility determination.
The Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) supports student employees who receive financial aid and are “awarded” part-time employment as part of their aid package, based on individual financial need. FWS students may earn up to the amount of their award during the summer and/or academic year.
Students interested in receiving Federal Work-Study should indicate their interest when completing the Financial Aid application (FAFSA). Students who miss selecting this option on the FAFSA may still be eligible to receive Work-Study; having received any state or federal grants is an indication of possible eligibility. Students who are unsure of their eligibility may check with the Office of Financial Aid or the Career Services Office, located in the Student Community Center, SCC-125.
Timesheets are to be completed via Titans Direct by 8 pm on Thursday of the payroll cycle.