Laura Parker
Academic Rank:
Health Professions & Natural Sciences
Office: CH 307
Phone: 973-328-5349
Education: Post-Master’s Certificate, Nursing Education, UMDNJ-Ramapo College; M.S.N., Seton Hall University; B.S.N., The College of New Jersey
Hired: 2001
Professor Parker is a Certified Nurse Educator through the National League for Nursing. She has been active with curriculum changes and inspiring active learning within the Nursing Department. Included in these activities are on-line course development and human patient simulation experiences for students.
Through the years Professor Parker has practiced critical care nursing in many different areas of the country, including a Navajo Reservation, rural Maine, and Washington, DC. She maintains certification as a Critical-Care Registered Nurse. Currently, she is a volunteer member of the New Jersey Medical Reserve Corps.
In addition to focusing on the learning needs of her students, Professor Parker has written articles for professional journals and edited chapters of nursing textbooks.