Kevin Moore


Kevin Moore

Academic Rank:
Assistant Professor

English & Communication

Liberal Arts

Office: CH339

Phone: 973-328-5403

Education: M.A., William Paterson University; B.A., William Paterson University; A.A., County College of Morris

Professor Kevin Moore began his college career at County College of Morris as a Liberal Arts major. After graduating in 2011, he transferred to William Paterson University where he was an English major. He earned his B.A. in 2013, and he then continued his graduate studies at William Paterson earning a M.A. in English with a concentration in literature in 2016. By the fall of that same year, he was teaching developmental and first-year English as an adjunct professor at both County College of Morris and William Paterson University. Professor Moore continued as an adjunct for two years until he was hired full time at CCM in the spring of 2019. Since then, Professor Moore has taught developmental English, English Composition I, English Composition II, The Novel, and assisted in developing two new accelerated learning courses: English Composition I-CW and English Composition I-CL. He also coordinates the Writing Center.

Professor Moore has always believed in the value of education, and it was his dream to teach as far back as middle school. He sees higher education as an opportunity for students to grow, to learn about themselves and the world, and to achieve their goals for the future. Indeed, he believes that all students should seize that opportunity and strive for success.

As William Shakespeare writes in Julius Caesar: “There is a tide in the affairs of men / Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; / Omitted, all the voyage of their life / Is bound in shallows and in miseries. / On such a full sea are we now afloat, / And we must take the current when it serves / Or lose our ventures.”