Student Clubs at CCM
* Temporary Organization – These clubs are in the process of being chartered by the Student Government Association.
** Inactive Organization – These clubs have not submitted all their required paperwork and are only permitted to hold meetings.
All CCM Student Clubs
**Active Minds
This student group aims to increase the awareness of the campus community about issues surrounding mental health symptoms related to mental health disorders and various mental health resources both at CCM and elsewhere.
- Advisor: Lisa Volante
- Instagram: @activemindsatccm
Alpha Beta Gamma (Rho Chapter)
ABG is the International Business Honor Society established to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students in business curricula.
- Advisors: Prof. Jennifer Qvotrup & Prof. Melissa Hopper-Ford
- Instagram: @ abg.ccm
**Alpha Mu Gamma (Xi Upsilon Chapter)
AMG is the national collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society established to recognize achievement in the field of foreign languages, American Sign Language (ASL) and English as a Second Language (ESL). It encourages interest in the study of foreign languages, ESL, ASL, literatures and civilizations.
- Contact Campus Life at
**Architect Club
To acknowledge the historical architecture of Morris County
- Advisor: Brian Sahotsky
- Instagram: @architectue.ccm
Art Club
The Art Club allows CCM students to learn more about art and design through guest speakers, on-campus programs, field trips to museums and educational activities. The Art Club coordinates an annual student art show for the campus community.
- Advisor: Prof Clay Allen
- Instagram: @ccmartclub
Asian Students Association
The ASA allows CCM students to learn more about Asian cultures, including the languages, customs and food through guest speakers, field trips, social events and educational activities.
- Advisor: Mia Wang
- Instagram: @asa_ccm
**Biology and Chemistry Club
The purpose of the Biology and Chemistry Club is to bring science and non-science students together in a forum where those students can discuss and provide insight to current and relevant biological and chemistry topics. Club activities will introduce students to further educational and career opportunities.
- Contact Campus Life at
Black Student Union
Enlighten all students about blac**k cultures and contributions, instill black cultural awareness in its members, raise the level of awareness of the overall college community through activities, while serving as a support group for CCM black students
- Advisor: Tamara Dawkins
- Instagram: @bsu_ccm
**Book Club
The Book club aims to promote literacy among students by fostering a collaborative environment for sharing literary insights and interpretations.
- Contact Campus Life at
Bowling Club
To provide a fun time for all CCM students to participate in, learn about and enjoy the sport of bowling.
- Advisor: Dorothy Salinas
Business Society
Provides a place where business oriented students can gain knowledge about business and entrepreneurship.
- Advisors: Prof. Jennifer Qvotrup & Prof. Melissa Hopper-Ford
- Instagram: @ abg.ccm
Campus Christian Fellowship
The Campus Christian Fellowship’s (CCF) membership is open to all interested students of any denomination. CCF sponsors special programs and community service projects, such as its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive.
- Advisor: Rick Terlinden
Dedicated to creating objects for the good of the college and the club members.
- Advisor: Raed Awawdeh
Chess Club
The Chess Club is organized to play, teach and compete in chess. All levels of players (from beginner to Grand Master) are welcomed.
- Advisor: Aisha Santos
- Instagram: @chessclub_ccm
CS Squared – Computer Science Club and Cybersecurity Club
The purpose of the CS Squared is to raise awareness of computer science, cypersecurity and related topics to the CCM campus community.
- Advisor: Dawn Rywalt, Amjed Hedhli, and Al Elbanna
Debate Society
Committed to fostering excellence in free intellectual discourse through hosting events, debates and Socratic seminars.
Advisor: Dr. Ken Shouler
Environmental Club
Serves to better educate the County College of Morris campus community about issues relating to the environment and on community efforts.
- Advisors: Prof. Dorothy Salinas and Prof. Samantha Gigliotti
- Instagram: @ccmenviroclub
EOF Student Alliance
The EOF Student Alliance promotes and participates in community service as a group. The organization raises awareness of and assists in the recruitment of Educational Opportunity Fund students..
- Advisors: Edie Nelson
- Instagram: @eofccm
Fashion Club
The Fashion Club stimulates active participation and continued interest in current trends and developments in the fashion industry.
- Advisor: Kelly Whalen
**Feminist Empowerment Organization
Feminist Empowerment Organization offers a safe space to discuss the struggles of being/identifying as a woman in America. Club members are able to converse about their experiences/opinions with gender inequality issues that are prevalent today.
- Advisor: Prof. Deborah Sullivan
Game Developers of CCM
Allows students who have a passion for games and production to share their experiences, connections and passions through the creation of games.
- Advisors: Kelly Wallace and Colleen Carmeli
Gourmet Club
The Gourmet Club is open to anyone who is interested in the finer aspects of hospitality and dining. The club sponsors trips to regional dining establishments, as well as trade shows and exhibitions.
- Advisors: Prof. Mark Cosgrove
Health & Exercise Science Club
This student group aims to stimulate active participation from the student body, help in cultivating skills and knowledge that will benefit members and form relationships with local professionals to help members further their scholastic development.
- Advisor: William McHugh
**Jewish Student Association
Provides activities on a wide range of Jewish topics.
- Contact Campus Life at
Judicial Board
Is the judicial branch of the CCM Student Association and is empowered to interpret student rights, review disciplinary problems and recommend specific action.
- Advisor: Dr. Ariella Panek, Dean of Students
LGBTQ+ Student Union
The LGBT+ serves as a social and support group for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and friends.
- Advisor: Lisa Volante
Mathematics Club
Aims to promote a better understanding of mathematics and to foster an environment where students interested in math can meet.
- Advisor: Chung Wong
- Instagram: @ccmmath
Medical Careers Club
To provide research, internship, volunteer and shadowing opportunities as well as an interdisciplinary network for CCM students.
- Advisor: Dr. Teresa Birrer
**Muslim Student Association
The purpose of the MSA is to provide CCM students an opportunity to come together in a supportive Islamic environment in order to explore and understand Islam.
- Advisor: Prof. Gitanjali Puri
- Instagram: @msa.ccm
National Society of Leadership and Success (Sigma Alpha Pi)
An honor society that help college students achieve their goals and better their lives, in the process building leaders who make a better world.
- Advisor: Mr. Don Phelps
Nursery & Landscape Club
NLC provides opportunities to gain hands-on experience in all aspects of the nursery and landscaping industry.
Advisor: Prof. Marc Zukovich
Performing Arts Club
The Performing Arts Club allows CCM students to learn more about music and theatre through guest speakers, on-campus programs, field trips to shows and educational activities.
- Advisor: Carinne Evans
- Instagram: @ccmperformingartsclub
Pet and Animal Lovers Society (PALS)
The purpose of the organization is for students to share their love of animals. Activities include providing therapy animals at events, volunteering at local animal shelters, educating people on animal cruelty, and raising funds for local charities.
- Advisors: Dr. Loryn Stoler & Paulina Cardaci
- Instagram: @ccm_pals
Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Kappa Kappa Chapter)
PTK, the national two-year college honor society, recognizes and encourages scholarship among community college students.
Photo Club
Is open to all levels of photographers, from novice to advanced.
- Advisor: Nicole Schwartz
- Instagram: ccmphotoprogram
- Website:
*Psychology Club
Create and provide a friendly, informal environment for students interested in Psychology to participate in some Psychology-related activities: discussing different personality tests, reviewing and discussing Psychology research, watching Psychology-related movies, and awareness-raising for Psychology or mental-health related causes.
- Advisor: Prof. Diana Aria
Radiography Club
Stimulates active participation and continued interest in current trends and developments in radiography. Promotes scholastic standards in the field.
- Advisors: Prof. Roberta Bibeault & Prof. Alannah Badini
Respiratory Club
Stimulates active participation and continued interest in current trends and developments in respiratory therapy.
- Advisor: Prof. Salma Monaco
- Facebook: CCM Respiratory Club
- Instagram: @ccmrespiratorytherapy
Strategic Gaming Club (aka Game Club)
This club is all about learning and playing new games and is open to all levels of players, from novice to advanced.
- Advisor: Prof. Cathy Chambers
Student Activities Programming Board
SAPB develops, coordinates and implements campus-wide programs of social, recreational and educational interest to all CCM students.
- Advisor: Mr. Don Phelps
- Instagram: @sapbccm
Student Electronic Gaming Organization
The purpose of SEGO is to provide CCM students an opportunity to play in tournaments and to review games.
- Advisors: Kelly Wallace and Ashley Yang
Student Film Association
Serves to create a forum to share members’ appreciation of American and world cinema and to broaden perspectives through exposure to a wide range of films.
- Advisor: Dr. Matthew Jones
- Instagram: @ccm_filmstudetassociation
Student Government Association
The SGA is the governing body for all students enrolled at CCM. It functions to further the well being of the student body by representing students on various college committees.
- Advisors: Mr. Don Phelps
- Instagram: @sga_ccm
- Student Association Constitution
- SGA Application
- SGA Position Descriptions
Student Nurses Association (SNA)
Stimulates active participation in nursing activities and promotes scholastic standards.
- Advisor: Brittany Hagopian and Mora Karas
Technical Theatre Club
Giving students the opportunity to learn about and be involved in technical theatre at CCM.
- Advisor: Chris Gardner
**Tennis Club
Gather those who love playing tennis. Experienced players and beginners are welcomed!.
Advisor: Dr. Philip Chase
Titans Cheerleading
Promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere to all people. Give back to the community by cheering at CCM Basketball games and competing in tournaments and competitions. Encourage individuality, growth, and understanding within the County College of Morris campus.
- Advisor: Kelly Miniter
*Track & Field Club
Give CCM students the opportunity to pursue an athletic sport that involves commitment, fitness, competitive nature, and teamwork.
- Advisor: Nathally Lopez
**Trading Card Game Club
Provide an environment for people to openly aid each other in the teachings of the basic mechanics of gameplay in various different kinds of trading card games.
- Contact Campus Life at
United Latino Organization
The purpose of the CCM United Latino Organization (ULO) is to serve as a support group for CCM students of Latin American descent. It does this through meetings, special programs, excursions and educational and social programs.
- Advisor: Dr. Maria Isaza
- Instagram:@ ccmulo
**Volunteer Club
The purpose of the Volunteer Club is to connect CCM students, faculty and staff, to endorse both local and world involvement, to build character, help others and develop skills.
- Advisor: John Soltes
- Instagram:
Women in STEM
This purpose of Women in STEM is to recruit, retain, and encourage women to pursue careers in the fields Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), while creating a relaxing social atmosphere to talk about issues of being a woman in predominantly male fields. All students are welcome to participate.
- Advisor: Dr. Keri Flanagan
- Instagram:@womeninstem_ccm
Writer’s Club
To bring writers from across campus together to create ideas and share content.
- Advisor: Dr. Maryam Alikhani
- Instagram: @ccm.writersclub
Youngtown Edition
Published every other Wednesday during the academic year, the award-winning Youngtown Edition is CCM ’s official student newspaper
- Advisor: Contact Campus Life at
- Instagram: @youngtownccm
- Click here to get to recently published issues of the Youngtown Edition
Hours of Operation
Mondays and Thursdays
8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Contact Details
Student Clubs FAQs
How can I join a club?
It’s easier than you think:
Check the club listing for postings about clubs social media, then reach out to the clubs.
Ask about the club at Campus Life, SCC 226 or on the Virtual Campus Life Information Window.
Sign up with the group at the “Student Club and Organization Fair” held every semester (September and February, during the “Welcome Bash”).
Contact the club’s advisor – you can find out who that is by looking at the CCM Student Clubs Listing.
Be persistent – don’t give up! New members are always welcome.
When do the clubs meet?
As a general rule, student clubs will meet when it is most convenient for the majority of the club’s members. Many clubs meet during what is known as ‘College Activity Hour’, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 pm – to 1:45 pm. These ‘College Activity Hours’ are periods set aside for meetings, programs, performances and special lectures.
Can I start a new club?
Of course you can! CCM also provides you with the opportunity to start new student organizations. Before a new club can be officially recognized, the organization must have a faculty or staff advisor, a constitution, a membership list of at least ten students, and a club leadership roster (president, secretary, treasurer, etc.). Assistance in preparing this paperwork can be obtained from the Office of Campus Life
You can also get more information on what is involved by reading the Chartering Process and the STUDENT ORGANIZATION GUIDEBOOK AND POLICY MANUAL.
Why should I get involved?
Here are the “Top Four Reasons”:
- to learn and develop leadership skills such as decision making, problem solving, delegating and organizing;
- to get skills and experiences that will round out your resume (for the CCM graduate, a record of involvement in campus life is of proven interest to employers and to the colleges to which you might transfer);
- to meet new people and have new experiences;
- and, of course, to have fun!
How can I get more information about getting involved?
It’s easy – just send us an email at:
We’re here to help!