“Wake Up Genius Species” Features the Work of Two New Jersey Artists

La Familia, oil on canvas, Timothy Simmons
The start of a new year is a good time to consider what is most important in life. Viewers at the “Wake Up Genius Species” exhibit at the County College of Morris (CCM) Art Gallery are presented with that opportunity as they view the work of two New Jersey artists, Timothy Simmons and Maria Sinatra.

Wood Lily, paint marker on paper, Maria Sinatra
“The exhibit asks viewers to analyze one simple question: Whatis important to them,” says Professor of Art & Design Brian Sahotsky, gallery director. “Whether their answer is family, the environment, self-care or social justice, ‘Wake Up Genies Species’ encourages viewers to take a step back, think critically and welcome the varying viewpoints of others.”
The exhibit, which runs through February 24, experiments with works in different mediums and scale to provide viewers with ever-changing ways to look at core issues affecting humanity.
The Art Gallery is located in the Sherman H. Masten Learning Resource Center on CCM’s campus, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph. Everyone who comes to campus is required to wear a mask indoors and practice social distancing. Visitors are asked to first stop by the Public Safety department, near Parking Lot 10, to obtain a visitor’s pass.
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
To learn about CCM’s Art and Design programs, visit https://bit.ly/CCM_ArtandDesign/.