Apprenticeship programs and workforce development were the focus of the New Jersey Manufacturing

Representative Mikie Sherrill addresses the NJMEP State-of-the-State of Manufacturing held at CCM.
Extension Program’s (NJMEP) third Annual State-of-the-State of Manufacturing event held at County College of Morris (CCM) on Friday, March 29.
The State-of-the-State of Manufacturing provided attendees with an expansive network and the chance to discuss best practices and challenges. Attending the event were manufacturing professionals, STEM firm executives and New Jersey elected officials.
CCM President Anthony J. Iacono thanked John Kennedy, CEO of NJMEP, and welcomed the guests to campus. “Our work is to help others do their work better, to be a support to them so that they can truly thrive. And that’s why partnerships between industry and educators are critically important. We love manufacturing and that is why we are here to support manufacturing,” said Iacono.
For President Iacono’s complete introductory remarks, visit
Industry presentations focused on creating pathways for “positive placements” in the manufacturing industry by working with technical schools, community colleges and further developing apprenticeship programs to meet workforce needs. Enlarging the pipeline also includes strengthening skill sets of workers and working with people re-entering the workforce, including women and veterans.

NJMEP CEO John Kennedy; Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill; CIANJ President Tony Russo; CCM President Anthony J. Iacono; Senator Steve Oraho; and Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce at the NJMEP State-of-the-State of Manufacturing held at County College of Morris.
“Investing in people – investing in talent – is the most precious commodity,” said Tim Sullivan, CEO of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
CCM helps to meet the need of manufacturing by producing skilled employees through both its associate degree and workforce development programs.
To address employment needs and growing industry demands, a new state-of-the-art Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering is being built at CCM and slated to open in 2020. For more information, visit
To learn more about CCM’s’ Center for Workforce Development, go to
View photos of the event.