Special Saturday Session on January 18, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Applying for Financial Aid can seem overwhelming, but it makes good sense to find out what may be available to fulfill your goal to obtain a higher education. The Financial Aid Office at County College of Morris (CCM) will be holding workshops for students to assist them in submitting the 2020-21 or the 2019-20 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application or the New Jersey Alternative Application for New Jersey Dreamers.
A special Saturday session will be held on Saturday, January 18, from 9 a.m. to noon on the CCM campus, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph, in Henderson Hall, Room 114. Registration is required and due to limited seating, only one guest, along with the applicant, may attend the workshop.
CCM financial aid advisors also will be available to meet with individuals at the CCM Financial Aid Office located at the Student Community Center , Room 210 from January 21, through January 31, Monday and Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to noon. Registration is required. FAFSA or the New Jersey Alternative Application for New Jersey Dreamers is required of all students who plan to utilize financial aid to help them meet their educational expenses.
To attend the special Financial Aid Workshop on January 18 or to register for an individual appointment, visit https://bit.ly/CCMFAWorkshop.
CCM is now offering the Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG), a tuition assistance program to students. The CCOG may cover the full cost of tuition and approved educational fees for 6-18 credits after all federal, state, institutional and community aid have been applied.
To qualify, students need to have a family adjusted gross income of no more than $65,000, not already have an associate or bachelor’s degree, be registered for 6–18 credits, and have completed the FAFSA or if a New Jersey Dreamer the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.
The first step to qualify for tuition-free funding is to apply to CCM, which can be done online at www.ccm.edu/admissions. Then fill out the FAFSA at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa or if a New Jersey Dreamer the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application at www.hesaa.org/Pages/NJAlternativeApplication.aspx. The deadline to apply for the FAFSA is February 15, 2020.
CCOG is not just for traditional students. Those in the workforce who would like to earn or complete their college degree also may quality.
For more information, visit https://www.hesaa.org/Pages/ccog.aspx or www.ccm.edu/ccog.