Celebrating the Talent of Young Artists
Middle and high school students with a passion for the arts – ranging from dance, music, and performance, to design, painting and drawing, to film, sculpture and creative writing – are encouraged to take part in the 2023 Morris County Teen Arts Festival at County College of Morris (CCM).
The day-long festival, which will explore the topic “Art & Identity,” takes place Wednesday, May 17, on CCM’s campus, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph.
“The festival provides students with the opportunity to develop their creativity and discover new areas of interest by working with professionals in the field,” says Kelly Whalen, chair of the Department of Art & Design at CCM. “It’s a high-energy, interactive day focused on celebrating the talent of the next generation of artists and performers. This year, students also will be able to explore how art shapes and influences identity processes, both for them individually and for society.”
The event, sponsored by the Morris Area Arts Council – Morris Arts, brings hundreds of middle-, high- and home-school students from Morris County together at CCM to unleash their creativity.
The cost to attend ranges from $25 for an individual attendee to $700 for schools bringing 76+ attendees. Many area schools cover the cost for students to participate, so check with your district. Need-based funding also is available. For more information and to register a student individually rather than as a school participant, go to www.ccm.edu/teenarts/. Questions can be emailed to teenarts@ccm.edu.