Offerings include Annuals, Herbs, Perennials, Vegetables and More
The Landscape and Horticultural Technology (LHT) Program at County College of Morris (CCM) will be holding its annual spring plant sale – Your Best Garden Ever! – for three days starting in early May.
The sale, which is open to the public, starts on Saturday, May 4, and runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. as part of the college’s Titan Weekend celebrations marking CCM’s 50th Anniversary. The sale continues on Monday, May 6, and Tuesday, May 7, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The sale takes place in the LHT greenhouses, located near Parking Lot 1 on CCM’s Randolph campus, 214 Center Grove Road.
This year’s offerings include annuals, perennials, herbs, hanging baskets and vegetables. Proceeds benefit LHT student activities. For more information, contact the LHT Program at 973-328-5363.
To learn more about the LHT degree and certificate programs, visit