Office of Institutional Grants

Grant Successes



Amount Awarded


Office of Secondary and Higher Education (OSHE)

Capital Facilities Bond Program – HEFT

$11.3 million

To create a new, dedicated Healthcare Building serving students and the local community.

Office of Secondary and Higher Education (OSHE)

Capital Facilities Bond Program – ELF

$2 million

To fund new and upgraded instructional equipment.

Office of Secondary and Higher Education (OSHE)

Capital Facilities Bond Program – HETI

$1.038 million

To fund technology infrastructure upgrades.

United States Department of Labor

Scaling Apprenticeships – CareerAdvance USA

$4 million

To create a United States Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) in advanced manufacturing and expand opportunity to good jobs for underserved populations.

United States Department of Education

Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP)

$2.25 million

To implement a new, intrusive advising model and serve Pell grant recipients with holistic wrap-around support.

United States Department of Labor

Strengthening Community Colleges (SCC) Round 3 Training Grant

$1.6 million

To close equity gaps in Information Technology among women and Hispanic students.

National Science Foundation

Advanced Technical Education (ATE) program


To create new data science pathways for students, benefiting learners and the NJ economy as leaders in the emerging sector.

United States Department of Education

Congressional Directed Spending


To create equip the Cybersecurity Center and create a standalone Hacking Lab.

Office of Secondary and Higher Education (OSHE)

Mental Health in Higher Education: Community Provider Partnerships and Professional Development Grant


To address student mental health needs in the wake of COVID-19 by creating sustainable and strategic local partnerships that provide students with quality mental health resources both on campus and throughout the surrounding community; and to offer evidence-based and meaningful professional development for campus staff and faculty.

United States Department of Education

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)


To provide adjusted childcare costs to low-income students at CCM, thereby improving their access to affordable childcare.