CTL Professional Development Mini-Grant
These funds support individual faculty members or collaborative projects among faculty that enhance professional development. Grants are awarded to individual faculty (full-time and part-time) to support ongoing research, reimbursement for training/professional development, the purchase of materials that are directly linked to a specific project, etc. All recipients are required to share their experiences with the CCM community.
Share format options include:
- Article
- Learning Session
- Narrative
- Presentation
Articles and Narratives will be posted on the CTL webpage.
All proposed projects must align with at least one focus of the CTL Mission.
Professional Development Mini Grant Application
If requesting funds for travel expenses, a Travel Request Form (Applicant, Department Chair and Dean signature required) must accompany the application. The TRA form can be downloaded below.
Application Restrictions:
- One mini-grant per faculty member per academic year.
- $1000 limit per application. Please do not duplicate any funds that you may be asking from other sources.
- First-come, first-accepted basis.
- All applications must be typed.
All applications must be received (from applicant to CTL) no later than twenty (20) business days prior to the event/conference. Any applications received after that time will not be accepted.
Any questions, please email: ctl@ccm.edu, or refer to the CTL Grants FAQ below.
Professional Development Mini Grant Resources
Exploratory Teaching Grants
Application Deadline: October 28, 2023
The CTL funds two Exploratory Teaching Grants per academic year. The purpose of this grant is to provide opportunities for faculty members to try innovative ways of teaching (i.e. interdisciplinary projects, flipped classrooms, incorporation of technology, etc.). The grant is open to full-time and part-time faculty members. CTL staff members will work with grant recipients to meet their outcomes.
At the end of the process, each recipient will be awarded with a $500 stipend. Faculty members will also be required to share their experiences with the College community.
The Exploratory Teaching Grant Application must be typed and proper signatures obtained.
Louise and Samuel Olshan Endowment for Faculty Professional Development
The Endowment provides financial support to full-time faculty members (not including chairs or assistant chairs) and adjunct faculty who have taught 20 semesters (fall and/or spring) in the last 12 years. Grants will defray the cost of membership in professional organizations or to attend conferences or professional meetings.
Application deadlines:
- November 1st for December 1st decision
- May 1st for June 1st decision
Professional Membership Grant
The Professional Membership Grants are awarded to individual full-time faculty members for professional membership fees. Each faculty member may be awarded up to $250 per academic year for either one or multiple memberships. All grant requests must come from the CTL office. Recipients must provide an invoice with the CCM mailing address along with the Professional Membership Grant Application. All applications will be processed as payment to the organization(s), no personal reimbursement per CCM Accounting Policy. The grant is awarded on a first-come, first-accepted basis. Funding is limited and will be awarded until it has been exhausted.
Please note:
Association Mission Statement must accompany application.
The origination/billing address: County College of Morris, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph, NJ 07869. The College will not be able to subsidize your membership if the address is not CCM’s.