Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Teams promote student, faculty and staff success and campus safety by facilitating the identification and support of individuals who demonstrate behaviors that may be early warning signs of possible troubled, discipline or violent behavior. The CCM CARE Team then determines if any intervention is needed, and monitors the intervention.
The CARE Team is not an emergency response team. If there is an immediate threat to a student or the County College of Morris community, or if there is a medical or mental health emergency, please call 911.
The County College of Morris CARE Team consists of leadership from:
Internal Team
External Team
Randolph Police Department
Psychiatrist on Retainer
Community Agencies
The primary catalyst for creating a CARE Team is to provide a mechanism for improved coordination and communication across the college system when a distressed person or disturbing behavior has the potential to threaten the well-being and safety of a college community.
Reasons to be Concerned
There are many reasons why a community member may stand out to you as potentially needing some assistance. They may be any of the physical, emotional or academic signs listed below or simply an uneasy feeling that something may not be right. You can provide information on a student through the SINT, connecting with the Dean of Students Office, or filling a Confidential Witness Report form (located on the Public Safety website); for concerns regarding faculty or staff, contact Human Resources.
Physical Signs
- Falls asleep in class or other inopportune times
- A dramatic change in energy level
- Worrisome changes in hygiene or personal appearance
- Noticeable alcohol intoxication
- Noticeable cuts, bruises and burns
Academic Signs
- Deterioration in quality/quantity of work
- A negative change in classroom or research performance
- Missed assignments or exams
- Repeated absences from class meetings
- Student sends frequent, lengthy “ranting” or threatening emails
- Continual seeking of special provisions
Emotional Signs
- Inappropriate emotional outbursts
- Expressions of hopelessness, fear or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death and dying in papers/projects
- Direct statements indicating distress, family problems or other difficulties
- Peer concern about a fellow student
The CARE Team will acknowledge the receipt of any communication submitted through the Confidential Witness Report. Please note that updates may not be able to be provided to maintain the privacy of individuals who are named in concerns.
The CARE Team will respond to all referrals in a sensitive manner and assess the situation with particular attention to the community member’s wellbeing. The CARE Team will design an appropriate plan to respond, depending on the nature of the situation. After the assessment, the CARE Team will make a determination that takes into consideration the community member’s best interests as well as the best interest of the college community.
The County College of Morris (CCM) is committed to maintaining an environment where people feel safe to carry out the College’s mission and does not tolerate acts or threats of violence committed by or against members of its community. This policy outlines the College’s behavioral threat assessment process and the role of the Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team, both of which are dedicated to the prevention, reduction, mitigation, and management of acts or credible threats of violence.
Mission of the CARE Team
The CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) Team is comprised of multiple offices on campus tasked with the goal of educating, collaborating, coordinating resources, and providing early intervention to all members of the CCM community. The CARE Team’s mission is to identify CCM community members that may exhibit problematic behaviors detrimental to their or other campus community members’ success and the operational processes of the college. Utilizing the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA) model and additional pertinent resources, the team is responsible for identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns raised by CCM community members regarding behaviors perceived as threatening, dangerous, or disruptive. The team’s goal is to use a holistic approach to promote the safety and comfort of CCM community members as they meet their goals on campus.
All members of the County College of Morris College community, including staff, faculty, students, visitors, or other third parties on campus, as defined below.
CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) Team: a multidisciplinary group of CCM stakeholders comprised of representatives from departments across the College, including the Dean of Students Office, Public Safety, Counseling and Wellness Center, Accessibility Services Office, Human Resources, other identified College personnel, Legal Counsel and Law Enforcement. The team is responsible for conducting threat assessments for referrals made to it concerning acts or credible threats of violence. The team also assesses concerning or potentially disruptive behavior reported by CCM community members.
Behavioral Threat Assessment: the identification, review, and monitoring of any County College of Morris student, staff, faculty, or other third party where concerns have been raised related to threats of harm to self or others or who has exhibited other concerning behaviors that significantly disrupt the campus learning or work environment.1
Credible threat of violence: a statement or course of conduct that would cause a person to reasonably fear for their safety or for the safety of others.
On campus: on College-owned, controlled, or leased properties, or in connection with College events or programs.
College: County College of Morris
Prohibited behaviors: see Policy Implementation below.
1 Definition adapted from Deisinger, G., Randazzo, M., O’Neill, D., & Savage, J. (2008). The Handbook for Campus Threat Assessment & Management Teams.
Policy Implementation
Consequences of Violating Procedures
Individuals who are found to have engaged in prohibited behaviors or acts of retaliation against reporting persons may be subject to discipline under College policies and procedures, up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from the College.
To report concerning or threatening behavior or if there are questions regarding this Policy contact the following individuals (see also section IV):
- County College of Morris, Dean of Students, Dr. Ariella Panek, phone (973) 328-5170, email:
- County College of Morris Public Safety, Director, Steve Ackerman, phone (973) 328-5550, email:
To provide notice of a protective or restraining order, contact County College of Morris Public Safety Department (973) 328-5550.
To report an emergency that requires immediate attention, call 911.
Appendix A
Team Member Roles/Responsibilities
Core Members
- Dean of Students (DOS): The Dean of Students serves as the team Chair. The Chair also articulates the team consensus for assessment and intervention in specific situations. The DOS provides leadership and coordinates the CARE Team’s case management related to assessing threats to the personal safety of students or other community members. The DOS oversees case management and coordinates the formulation, determination, and implementation of threat response The DOS coordinates the acquisition and distribution of information related to students, provides background information regarding enrollment status, and may be the first point of contact with the student. The DOS also interprets the Student Code of Conduct and other student-related policies. The DOS may also provide student conduct background that may be relevant for team deliberations (e.g., previous disciplinary or conduct issues)
- Director and Assistant Director of Public Safety (DPS/ADPS): The DPS or ADPS coordinates law enforcement-related investigative actions with both internal resources and external law enforcement agencies. Examples of these actions include background investigations, ascertaining orders of protection, and providing liaison services with other police departments, courts, and correctional facilities. The DPS/ADPS may also serve as a liaison to parents and families and make recommendations about calling in ad hoc team members from specific schools as They will assist with the development and coordination of training on issues related to threat assessment and provide outreach, education, and resources to the campus community.
- Coordinator of the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC): The CWC provides intervention regarding mental health issues and how they relate to the specific case. Additionally, the CWC coordinates and provides follow-up with outside mental health agencies and clinicians for possible referrals/interventions with those In most cases, the CWC representative will be the Coordinator of CWC, unless there is a conflict of interest in relation to the specific individual being discussed. The CWC representative should not be in a treatment relationship with the person who is a focus of the CARE Team, to avoid conflict of interest and confidentiality issues.
- Director of Accessibility Services Office (ASO): ASO provides support regarding disability issues and how they relate to the specific case. In most cases, the ASO representative will be the Director of ASO, unless there is a conflict of interest in relation to the specific individual being discussed. The ASO representative should not be in a treatment relationship with the person who is a focus of the CARE Team, to avoid conflict of interest and confidentiality issues.
- Office of Human Resources (HR) Representative: The HR representative may provide employee information and records to the CARE Team when there is a staff member who is being assessed by the team and help interpret policies related to employees. HR will also typically coordinate contact with the staff member(s) and serve as a liaison to departments and schools regarding CARE Team staff concerns as necessary.
*Adapted from Northwestern University and NABITA