Start Right.
The Community’s College for Careers in Public Health, Fitness and Wellness.
CCM Offers Certificate and Associate Degree Programs to Learn How to Be the Best at Helping Others.
Go Big. Become certified to start a career as a personal trainer. Or earn a 60-credit Associate of Science (A.S.) degree to pursue a career in health care, the rehabilitation sciences, sports performance, physical education or public health. Or you can transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree. Yet another option is the 74-credit joint A.S. program with Rutgers to work as an occupational therapy assistant.
Professor Kelly Miniter
Т: 973-328-5328
Е: kminiter@ccm.edu
“Experienced faculty, who are passionate about health and wellness, bring a student-centered, hands-on approach to learning. Academic engagement is achieved through the development of strong student-faculty relationships and practical experience in our cutting-edge exercise Physiology Lab and Fitness Center.”
Faculty Members
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor, Chair